About me.

Oh this is awkward. Ok. Here it goes. I’m a 30 something year old single mom who holds down a full time job. I juggle life, friendships, exes, break ups, first dates, last dates, motherhood, family, and everything else. So basically, I’m just like you. I write about everything relevant to..well..me. I have been a self proclaimed writer ever since I was little. Poetry, mainly. I’m not into rhyming, it’s too calculated. I’m a people watcher, so my inspiration is..well..you. I am obsessed with love. In it’s entirety. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I’m a little naive. I am actually disappointed that the last two sentences rhyme, but it happened organically so I’m letting it ride.

I post a lot of my poetry in my Facebook page and a lot of my poetry is hidden in the pages of my many notebooks. So. I decided to create a blog where I can highlight my crazy journey and hopefully you can find it relatable and find yourself amongst my rants and raves. I’m in a spot in my life where I don’t really know what I want to be when I grow up. I’m back in the dating scene after a difficult divorce, and I’m just navigating this life with my eyes wide open. In the pursuit of me.
